Archive for April, 2009

See you in Paris!

April 28, 2009

Ahh Paris!  The Arc de Triompe, The Louvre, the Romance!!  Ok, not THAT Paris, but Paris, Illinois, for the MUCH better “Orange Power of the Past” show held at the Allis Chalmers Museum July 18th and 19th.  

This show highlights Allis-Chalmers equipment working in the field and features one of the largest AC tractor collections around as owned by Dale Haymaker, founder of the musuem.

I will be treking out to the show with a cache of parts.  If anyone in the region or on the way from Harrisburg PA needs a hard to ship part, drop us a line and perhaps I can bring it there or drop it off. 

For more information visit

One further note: July in general will have me on the road quite a bit. I realize this is when crops start coming in, so if you need a part for the harvest, best to place your order in June as it will be hard to fill orders in July.

Au Revoir!